Hi everyone! I’ve started a new job and I’m learning Springboot again. I’m going to use this blog to write down what I learn and to share it with you.

What is Springboot?

Springboot is a framework that allows you to create web applications in Java. It is based on the Spring framework and allows you to create applications with minimal configuration.

My Java Background

I have been working with Java for a long time. I started with Java 1.4 and I have been working with Java 8 for a long time. I’ve been working with Java until July 2021, when I started working with Go.

Why am I learning Springboot again?

In two years Springboot release a new version, Springboot 3.0. I want to learn the new features and how to use them and a lot of things i was using in the past have been deprecated.

What I’m going to do

I will create simple application to solve common problems i will find in my work. I will use this blog to write down what I learn and to share it with you.

To do list:

  • simple CRUD
  • authentication with JWT, Keycloak and Spring Security
  • use of Spring Data

Stay tuned!